New article in “Kleine Zeitung Kärnten”
Three research projects with a total budget volume of € 3.3 million have just been approved. CiSMAT is significantly involved in two of these projects: I-MON and iLEAD.
Three research projects with a total budget volume of € 3.3 million have just been approved. CiSMAT is significantly involved in two of these projects: I-MON and iLEAD.
We invite you to attend our online introduction to our Certificate Course “Smart Materials and 3D Printing” which will take place online, on the 25th of February 2021 from 18:30 – 19:00.
We invite you to attend our first free webinar on “Smart Materials & 3D Printing”, which will take place online, on the 18th of January 2021.
Opening of the Digital Innovation Hub “smartfab Carinthia” – your ONE STOP SHOP for questions about
* digital transformation in industrial enterprises
* constructions regarding possibilities and limitations of 3D printing
* product and service innovations in a recycling economy.
We are pleased to present the latest newspaper article about CiSMAT and our new cooperation with researchers from the Roberval Laboratory, of the University of Technology of Compiègne (France).
On 1 October 2020, the cooperation between the CiSMAT and the ROBERVAL laboratory of the Compiègne University of Technology (UTC) France began.
Researchers at the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences have developed prototypes for knee prostheses, aircraft seats, wind turbine blades and body parts made of natural fibres in cooperation with the St. Veiter “Wood K plus” research centre and the Silicon Austria Labs research centre
On 15 October 2020, the “ACstyria Leichtbautag” will take place at the Red Bull Ring in Spielberg. In cooperation with the Austrian Lightweight Construction Platform A2LT, the focus this year is on the entire lightweight construction value chain. CiSMAT is represented by two team members – Alexander Berndt and Marius Laux.
H. Oberlercher and R. Heim just presented their latest research results in the field of 3D printing of continuous fiber composite materials (CFC), at the Advanced Materials Day 2020, held at the TU Graz on the 28/09/2020.
In these times of Corona crisis, online symposiums enable researchers to pursue their scientific communication activities in the best possible conditions.