On 15 October 2020, the “ACstyria Leichtbautag” will take place at the Red Bull Ring in Spielberg. In cooperation with the Austrian Lightweight Construction Platform A2LT, the focus this year is on the entire lightweight construction value chain – meaning anything from research and development to the use of different materials, production strategies and complete automotive concepts.
CiSMAT is represented by two team members – Alexander Berndt and Marius Laux. They will present current research results from the field of additive manufacturing, as well as “teaching integration” examples. The focus of their research is on 3D printing of high-performance composites. Here, continuous fibre filaments are laid down in a controlled manner (incl. orientation), in order to make use of the entire potential of 3D printing for lightweight construction purposes.
They also present the EFRE project “Smarter Leichtbau 4.0″ and the Interreg project “ASAM”.
With regard to the teaching integration, they focus in particular on the examples and demonstrators used in the frame of the Bachelor’s degree course in “Technical Design”, at the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences