Participation to the WKK Pitch event, on the 27.6.2023

Many thanks to the WKK Team (Wirtschaftskammer Kärnten) for inviting us to present our i-MON technology to ABA Austria representatives based in North and South America. We were able to present our passive, wireless sensors, which can be integrated into concrete for in-situ measurement of temperature and deformation. Our technology can mainly be used for Structural Health Monitoring applications (monitoring of bridges and tunnels).

Smart materials for the green transition

As part of the “Journées Européennes Vertes de Vienne, 2023”, Prof. Pascal Nicolay (Team CiSMAT) was invited to give a talk at the French Embassy, in Vienna. The talk was dedicated to smart materials for the cities of the future. This talk was preceded by another, given by Prof. Stéphane Mangin (IJL, France), on the Internet of tomorrow and the problem of data storage. The presentations were followed by a podium discussion, where the audience was able to interact with both speakers, as well as with a panel of young researchers (incl. two CiSMAT researchers, Dr. Claude Humbert and MSc. Pierre Jeltiri).


The Gustav Mahler Private University (GMPU) starts a new research center in Klagenfurt, the Digi.Music.Lab! The focus will be on the use of new digital technologies to improve music learning, instrument playing and performances, music creation (e.g., composition), and self-promotion. CiSMAT is already identified as one of the potential partners of the Digi.Music.Lab, for future joint R&D projects! more