At the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences in St. Magdalen/Villach there is a newly founded research center which is called CiSMAT. CiSMAT stands for “Carinthia Institute for Smart Materials and Manufacturing Technologies”.
The new research center is funded by the Kärntner Wirtschaftsförderungs Fond (KWF). It is intended to serve as a point of contact on the subject of Industry 4.0 in the future and to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in innovative research projects.
Cismat is divided into four research groups, which mainly focus on the areas of smart materials and high-performance composites, agile and additive manufacturing and integrated sensor technology, explains Pascal Nicolay, head of Cismat.
In addition, Cismat wants to work closely with industrial partners such as Hirsch GmbH, Liebherr Hausgeräte Lienz, PMS Lavanttal, Treibacher Industrie AG, or TDK Deutschlandsberg.