Category: Research
Green & Digital Research Map of Carinthia!
BABEG just released the Green Digital Research Map of Carinthia!
CiSMAT is one of the actors selected by BABEG, for its activities in the field of new technologies for a sustainable industry.
Kick-off event in Spittal
Presentation of our research topics and results at the “Kick-off event, Bildungshub”, in Spittal (28.11.2022).
The Gustav Mahler Private University (GMPU) starts a new research center in Klagenfurt, the Digi.Music.Lab! The focus will be on the use of new digital technologies to improve music learning, instrument playing and performances, music creation (e.g., composition), and self-promotion. CiSMAT is already identified as one of the potential partners of the Digi.Music.Lab, for future joint R&D projects! more
Special Issue MDPI Applied Sciences, Smart Materials for a Green(er) Industry
Open for submission!
Guest Editor: Pascal Nicolay, CiSMAT.
Flyer available here.
What’s going on inside bridges and other concrete buildings?
Many thanks to the Austrian newspaper “Der Standard”, for the article they just published about our project i-MON. The ultimate goal of the project is to make concrete buildings smarter and more secure. Please click here, to access the article (in German, published 11.01.2022).
Pascal Nicolay is associate researcher at the Institut Jean Lamour, in Nancy, France. more
(in French)
1. CiSMAT Partner Day
CiSMAT and its industrial partner PMS organized the first CiSMAT Partner Day, on July 1st 2021.
New article in “Kleine Zeitung Kärnten”
Three research projects with a total budget volume of € 3.3 million have just been approved. CiSMAT is significantly involved in two of these projects: I-MON and iLEAD.
Save the date! Opening of the Digital Innovation Hub “smartfab Carinthia” 28.01.2021 – 3:00 p.m.
Opening of the Digital Innovation Hub “smartfab Carinthia” – your ONE STOP SHOP for questions about
* digital transformation in industrial enterprises
* constructions regarding possibilities and limitations of 3D printing
* product and service innovations in a recycling economy.